Setup Selling Ads by Google DFP

Posted By :Arun Singh |28th August 2018
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    You can use an advertising network for serving ads on your website like Google Adsense. it will also accept ad campaigns from direct advertisers, and digital agencies.
    You have partnered with multiple CPM-based ad networks like say BuySellAds, TribalFusion, Adsense, etc. but you will only like to run ads from the network that pays you the most money.
    You would like to display ads based on a certain principle. For example, if visitors from India are advertised one set of ads while visitors who are in the U.S and use Windows OS are targeted with a different set of ads.
    Double Click for Publishers, is an excellent solution in either of the above schemes. Double Click For Publisher is a free ad server from google that lets you sell ad space on your website more definitely.

    With Double Click for Publishers, you may run basic banner ads, text ads (JavaScript-based), or even rich-media campaigns that use video and Flash creatives. The device, which was already known as Google Ad Manager, and any website publisher can Sign up for the Double Click for Publisher's program as long as they have an active Google Adsense account.

    Sell Your Advertising Space with Google Double Click for Publishers:?

    Step 1: Create Ad Units:

    We need to tell Double Click for Publishers about all the advertising spaces on our web pages. For this example, we will create three ad units the 300×250 rectangle, the 160×600 skyscraper, and the 468×60 banner. These are basic Internet Architecture Board (IAB) units though you can define custom ad sizes as well.

    Go to DFP –> Inventory –> Ad Units –> New Ad Unit (select Web or Mobile). 

    We can give the ad unit a descriptive name so that we can easily determine where that will be targeted. we can also include the size of that unit.

    Bonus Tips: When you select the target windows in the Ad Unit as “_blank”, the ads will open in a new window. Google does not allow you to open Adsense ads in a new window, but when you are using Double Click for Publisher, AdSense ads can be configured to open in a new window without breaking the Adsense programs.

    Step 2: Define Placements:

    When your advertiser may want to target one or more of these ad units on multiple websites. For example, an advertiser may want to display your medium circle and skyscraper ad units on technology-related pages of the sites so you can create group these ad units into a placement that can be advertised by advertisers.


    Go to the Inventory tab --> Placements --> New Placement and add your placement.

    Step 3:  Create an Order:

    Now we have to define our ad inventory, it's time for creating the client’s campaign. What type of enumeration he wants to target, what's the price of his willingness to pay and how long will the order run on the website.
    Go to DFP --> Orders --> New Order. Creating a company for the advertiser and then fill in the campaign details under New Line Item.

    Step 4: Upload the Ad Creative:

    The next step is you have to upload the ad creative that will target your web pages. You can either upload Flash videos, images, Javascript, and a snippet of the HTML in case you’re going with text ads.

    Go to DFP --> Line Items and select the Line Item that you’ve created in the previous step. Click on Add Creatives and either upload the SWF Flash file/ image or choose the Text Ad format to enter a text-on ad.

    Step 5: Now get the Ad Tags for your site:

    We have to grip the javascript code from the Google DFP application and copy-paste it into our website /blog template.

    Click on the inventory tab --> Generate Tags select the appropriate ad unit and choose to Generate Tags. Google double click for the publisher should start serving ads on your pages in the next 10 to 15 minutes.



About Author

Arun Singh

Arun is a MEAN stack developer. He has a fastest and efficient way of problem solving techniques. He is very good in JavaScript and also have a little bit knowledge of Java and Python.

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