In many of the projects, things that seem very small or tiny come to be decisive factors to continue on the current path or to find a better one. Starting from simple text editors to tools that are used for a long period of time, we all have different flavors for each tool that comes in hand. Merging such ideas sometimes comes to be a to-do, and while this happens for any of the kind of work done in a group, there are also some other factors that help to shape the path to it.
In this blog we would like to address how we used Publish over SSH to achieve our needs.
The plugin has the following of the features:
Our very first step will be to define what stages to use:
node {
stage('Getting ready...') {
git branch: "dev", credentialsId: 'your_id_on_jenkins', url: ''
Building stage:
try {
sh 'mvn clean package'
bat 'mvn clean package'
} catch(err) {
throw err
Let's assume that till this point everything is goning right.
stage('SSH transfer') {
script {
continueOnError: false, failOnError: true,
publishers: [
configName: "${env.SSH_CONFIG_NAME}",
verbose: true,
transfers: [
sourceFiles: "${path_to_file}/${file_name}, ${path_to_file}/${file_name}",
removePrefix: "${path_to_file}",
remoteDirectory: "${remote_dir_path}",
execCommand: "run commands after copy?"
In this block, we are having the sshPublisher
keyword, which holds the different values corresponding to their respective keywords. By default, the plugin makes the build "UNSTABLE" if there are any errors. You can change this behavior by adding a feild FailOnError: true
, which tells it to fail the job if there are any problems occuring. The publishers
array holds details about where to send what and also some additional tuning parameters, including whether there is a command we need to issue after the files have been published on the server.
In the event that it is must to have more transfers or commands to issue, the sshTransfer
block can be again used as:
execCommand: "Run commands before copy?"
sourceFiles:"${path_to_file}/${file_name}, ${path_to_file}/${file_name}",
removePrefix: "${path_to_file}",
remoteDirectory: "${remote_dir_path}",
execCommand: "run commands after copy?"
if(currentBuild.currentResult == "SUCCESS" || currentBuild.currentResult == "UNSTABLE"){
if (isUnix()) {
sh 'echo "Build Succeded."'
bat 'echo "Build Succeded."'
I must recommend that you use placeholders in every configuration related fields. It is much easier for upcoming changes. To accomplish this, you can use environment variables or parameters like in the above case and access them with "${env.VAR_NAME}" or "${params.VAR_NAME}".