All the Software or web apps developed today Requires Some kids of files/Document /images hosting .In this blog we will study about AWS bucket and how to handle all these stuff (uplaoding managing ) using node js and node js's packages .
If your app has a lot of images/videos/other documents , you can put them on dedicated servers . the problem is that you need to make sure the data image/videos are secure ,and are backup in proper way and accessible when you need it , it reduce the page load time and stored images in dedicated server.
AWS S3 Bucket
S3 also known as simple strorage service is a cloud storage service provide by Amazone web service , we can stoared large amount of data in cloud usingn s3 bucket . most of the online streaming services are used S3 bucket for storing large amount of stramig data .
Advantages of Using S3
What we need to insatall-
Multer - multer is used as a middleware to handle files .
Multer-S3 - multer extention for easy file uplod in s3 bucket .
AWS-SDK - Necessory package for using AWS.
How to install these packages -
copy paste following command in your terminal to install Multer ,Multer-S3 nd AWS-SDK
Configure basic setting in AWS and get the key
Now start writing Node js code for uploading Image /Docuement in AWS S3 Bucket by using Following steps;
1. Install all dependencies
2. Create app.js and start writing image upload code