Comparision of the best Flutter vs React Native

Posted By :Aakash Deep Rajoria |29th June 2021


You're not alone if Flutter vs. React Native is your burning question for the year. It's reasonable to be concerned about which software will help your company develop in the future. It doesn't need any statistical data to see that mobile app usage is on the rise. 


However, in the interest of accuracy, consider that in 2020 smartphone users in the United States spend about four hours per day using various applications. This is more time spend viewing them than live TV. 


Taking advantage of the mobile market at this time will be a wise and, to be honest,  financially profitable option. However, you'll need the appropriate software to get started. Flutter or React Native might be just what you're looking for. 


Flutter outperforms React Native in various categories, as shown in the following Flutter vs. React Native side-by-side comparison.


  1. Programming language
  2. Language 
  3. Creating User Interfaces 
  4. Ease of Installation
  5. Documentation
  6. Popularity 
  7. Community


Programming Languages


Flutter uses Dart, and React Native uses JavaScript. 

JavaScript is a well-known computer language that distinguishes being the first to allow dynamic web development. Dart is a significantly newer language, having been released in the year 2011. 

However, its modernity may be an asset. With both being ahead-of-time and just-in-time compiler, the language is up to two times quicker than JavaScript.

These compiler types provide the flexibility of interpreted languages yet compile just in time to take advantage of the speed advantages of typically compiled languages.


TLDR: Flutter and React Native are both excellent programming languages, but Flutter wins.


Creating User Interfaces


Skia for Flutter gives the framework a lot of cross-platform portability. React Native employs Facebook's Flux software for developing React components, which uses JavaScript to bridge the link to native modules. The bridge has a minor impact on performance, although Flutter can function without one.


TLDR: When it comes to UI development, Flutter beats out React Native.


Ease of Installation


The Node package manager can be used to install React Native (npm). Those with a JavaScript background should be able to figure this out quite quickly. 

A tiny ZIP file can be used to install Flutter. However, from the command line, it must be inserted as a PATH variable. This complicates things excessively.


TLDR: When comparing Flutter to React Native, React Native is easier to set up than Flutter.




Flutter and React Native both include tutorials to help you get started. 

React Native, on the other hand, begins with assumptions about what the developer already understands. There is very little information about installation and command-line tools. And the documentation gets right to work on getting your project up and running.

On the other hand, Flutter includes thorough instructions for both iOS and Android on how to set up the platform and IDE. 

Flutter doctor, a tool that guides developers through the setup, is included in the command-line interface (CLI).


TLDR: In the Flutter vs. React Native comparison, Flutter has more detailed documentation than React Native.




Developers are known for displaying a high level of community support for the software they enjoy. In the case of Flutter vs., React Native, a passionate community drives each language.

Meetups and conferences for React Native are held all over the world. Flutter also hosts several online events. On the other hand, Flutter's late public release is likely to have had an impact on community growth. React Native developers, on the other hand, have been present from the beginning.


In a nutshell, React Native has a larger community than Flutter.


Learning Curve


These frameworks' learning curves are nearly entirely determined by your understanding of their respective programming languages.


Because most developers have some experience with JavaScript, React Native is a perfect fit. However, someone new to programming or a developer who has tried Dart before may prefer Flutter.


TLDR: Flutter and React Native have nearly identical learning curves.




React Native and Flutter have swapped roles. React Native was far more popular than Flutter only in 2019 and the previous years.


React Native has 92,800 stars on Github, while Flutter has 111,000 as of the beginning of 2021. A simple Google Trends comparison indicates that Flutter receives many more searches than React Native.


TLDR: In the battle of Flutter vs. React Native, Flutter comes out on top in terms of popularity.




Flutter confronts considerably fewer challenges regarding speed and performance than React Native for the same reasons mentioned before regarding Skia and native bridging.


In a nutshell, Flutter outperforms React Native. Flutter wins this battle. You've come to the perfect place if you need a little more context to make your final selection. Learn more about Flutter and React Native in the sections below.


Flutter should be used to create cross-platform mobile apps that operate near-native or natively. Flutter may also be used to develop applications for computers, whether they are Macs, Windows, or Linux machines.


Flutter's layered architecture, paired with its one-of-a-kind collaboration with Skia, allows the framework to stand out from the crowd.

Flutter is a good choice for developers that want features like these.




Flutter and React Native are similar in many ways. Both technologies have unique advantages, such as live refreshing and creating graphical user interfaces with flexible software. These characteristics combine to make any competition even more challenging.


Despite this, Flutter is still the clear winner in almost every Flutter vs. React Native comparison. Nobody will blame you if you wish to make use of the React Native framework's benefits. JavaScript is only a matter of convention. And you'll have the support of a community.


About Author

Aakash Deep Rajoria

With years of experience in React Native and Flutter, Aakash is working as a Frontend Developer. He specialises in working with technologies like JavaScript, React Native, and nodejs. Aakash is dedicated to working on OnChain-Index, a project built on React Native. He places great emphasis on creating intuitive, user-friendly, and responsive front-end experiences that seamlessly function across multiple platforms and devices. He continuously seeks opportunities to enhance his skills and knowledge, ensuring the delivery of efficient and optimized results. He actively engages in code review processes and employee training programs to foster a collaborative and growth-oriented environment.

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