A Quick Guide to Microservice

Posted By :Dimpal Bhatia |27th February 2019

Microservice Architecture is an architecture that structures an application as a collection of small services, that act as a business domain.
In Microservice Architecture, each service implements a single business capability and acts as self-contained.

Differences Between Traditional Architecture and Microservices:
The main difference all the features initially were under a single instance sharing a single database. But with microservices, each feature allotted a different microservice, handling their own data, and performing different functionalities.

Microservices Features:

1.) Decoupling –  All Services within a system are largely decoupled. So the whole application can be easily built, altered, and scaled.

2.) Componentization – All Services are treated as independent components that can be easily replaced and upgraded.
3.) Business Capabilities – Microservices focuses on a single capability and is very simple.

4.) Autonomy –  It increases speed of coding because all developers and teams can work independently of each other.     
5.) Agility – Microservices support agile development so we can add new features very quickly and discard them again.

6.) Continous Delivery – It allows frequent releases of software, through systematic automation of software creation, testing, and approval.

7.) Responsibility – Microservices treats applications as products for which they are responsible and they do not focus on applications as projects.

8.) Decentralized Governance – Developers have the freedom to choose the best useful tools to solve their problems because the focus is on using the right tool for the right job. That means there is no  technology pattern or standardized pattern.

Advantages Of Microservices:
1.) Independent Development –  Microservices can be easily developed based on their individual functionality.

2.) Independent Deployment – Based on their services, microservice can be individually deployed in any application.
3.) Fault Isolation – Even if one micro service of the application does not work, the system still continues to function.
4.) Mixed Technology Stack – We can use different languages and technologies  to build different services of the same application.
5.) Granular Scaling –  We can scale individual components as per need, there is no need to scale all components together.

About Author

Dimpal Bhatia

She is a bright java developer. She has a good knowledge of JavaScript, jQuery, JSP, and ElasticSearch. Her hobbies are playing badminton and reading books

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