Implementation of Amazon SimpleDB using Java

Posted By :Mohd Adnan |27th August 2018

Amazon SimpleDB


Amazon SimpleDB is a lightweight, highly available NoSQL database that offloads the tasks of database provision and administration. 


Benefits of Amazon SimpleDB


  • Low Infrastructure administration 
  • Highly Available
  • Flexible
  • Simple to use
  • Designed for use with other Amazon Web Services
  • Secure
  • Inexpensive

Featured Use Cases


  • Monitoring or tracking

Online Games

  • User scores and achievements  & settings
  • Game session state


Building AmazonSimpleDB Client


AmazonSimpleDBClientBuilder clientBuilder = AmazonSimpleDBClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(awsCredentials)).withRegion(Regions.EU_WEST_1);
 AmazonSimpleDB sdb =;


Create a domain


            String myDomain = "MyStore";
            System.out.println("Creating domain called " + myDomain + ".\n");
            sdb.createDomain(new CreateDomainRequest(myDomain));


List domains


 System.out.println("Listing all domains in your account:\n");
            for (String domainName : sdb.listDomains().getDomainNames()) {
                System.out.println("  " + domainName);


Put data into a domain


            System.out.println("Putting data into " + myDomain + " domain.\n");
            sdb.batchPutAttributes(new BatchPutAttributesRequest(myDomain, createSampleData()));


Select data from a domain


  String selectExpression = "select * from `" + myDomain + "` where Category = 'Clothes'";
            System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression + "\n");
            SelectRequest selectRequest = new SelectRequest(selectExpression);
            for (Item item : {
                System.out.println("  Item");
                System.out.println("    Name: " + item.getName());
                for (Attribute attribute : item.getAttributes()) {
                    System.out.println("      Attribute");
                    System.out.println("        Name:  " + attribute.getName());
                    System.out.println("        Value: " + attribute.getValue());


Delete values from an attribute


  System.out.println("Deleting Blue attributes in Item_O3.\n");
            Attribute deleteValueAttribute = new Attribute("Color", "Blue");
            sdb.deleteAttributes(new DeleteAttributesRequest(myDomain, "Item_03")


Delete an attribute and all of its values


            System.out.println("Deleting attribute Year in Item_O3.\n");
            sdb.deleteAttributes(new DeleteAttributesRequest(myDomain, "Item_03")
            .withAttributes(new Attribute().withName("Year")));


Replace an attribute


            System.out.println("Replacing Size of Item_03 with Medium.\n");
            List replaceableAttributes = new ArrayList();
            replaceableAttributes.add(new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "Medium", true));
            sdb.putAttributes(new PutAttributesRequest(myDomain, "Item_03", replaceableAttributes));


Delete an item and all of its attributes


            System.out.println("Deleting Item_03.\n");
            sdb.deleteAttributes(new DeleteAttributesRequest(myDomain, "Item_03"));


Delete a domain


            System.out.println("Deleting " + myDomain + " domain.\n");
            sdb.deleteDomain(new DeleteDomainRequest(myDomain));


Sample Data Method



     * Creates an array of SimpleDB ReplaceableItems populated with sample data.
     * @return An array of sample item data.
    private static List createSampleData() {
        List sampleData = new ArrayList();

        sampleData.add(new ReplaceableItem("Item_01").withAttributes(
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Category", "Clothes", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Subcategory", "Sweater", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Name", "Cathair Sweater", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Color", "Siamese", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "Small", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "Medium", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "Large", true)));

        sampleData.add(new ReplaceableItem("Item_02").withAttributes(
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Category", "Clothes", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Subcategory","Pants", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Name", "Designer Jeans", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Color", "Paisley Acid Wash", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "30x32", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "32x32", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "32x34", true)));

        sampleData.add(new ReplaceableItem("Item_03").withAttributes(
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Category", "Clothes", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Subcategory", "Pants", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Name", "Sweatpants", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Color", "Blue", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Color", "Yellow", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Color", "Pink", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Size", "Large", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Year", "2006", true),
                new ReplaceableAttribute("Year", "2007", true)));
 return sampleData;




About Author

Mohd Adnan

Adnan, an experienced Backend Developer, boasts a robust expertise spanning multiple technologies, prominently Java. He possesses an extensive grasp of cutting-edge technologies and boasts hands-on proficiency in Core Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Apache Kafka messaging queue, Redis, as well as relational databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. Adnan consistently delivers invaluable contributions to a variety of client projects, including Vision360 (UK) - Konfer, Bitsclan, Yogamu, Bill Barry DevOps support,, Noorisys, One Infinity- DevOps Setup, and more. He exhibits exceptional analytical skills alongside a creative mindset. Moreover, he possesses a fervent passion for reading books and exploring novel technologies and innovations.

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