Camunda workflow and decision automation platform

Posted By :Abhishek Kumar |28th February 2020

Need of Camunda

In the recent era of software development the business flow changes very drastically and lot of things to monitor software i.e we want this things to happened after certain time if things have happened and result is not coming according to tho to our requirements than what process we have to follow, so it is a very complex and time-consuming process to handle all kinds of changes in the business flow and monitoring business requirement so its take lot of human effort to do. 

For the understanding of how business flow changes I am going to explain the real-life scenario that is helpful to figure out how it changes drastically and how much it is complex to handle so let's take an example of eCommerce like Amazon. we all know that there are several steps we have to follow to purchase an item :

Login -> Home Page -> Choose the Product -> Add to Cart -> Payment flow

So let's suppose about Amazon wants to change the business plan and decided there is no need for add to cart process so, in that case, we have to remove all the possible lines of code or remove the cart module from the entire workflow, and we all know that removing the code, module from the microservice type architecture is complex thing to do. So for minimizing all these complexities, for these kinds of changes and monitoring purpose, we have some open source tool i.e CAMUNDA


What is Camunda and How to use  ->  it is a workflow and decision automation platform i.e it provides the complete set of java class and the rest endpoint to handle the business flow and automation of our internal working. the core camunda engine is mainly built on java so the integration of the camunda with spring or spring boot is very easy. so as I mention there are two approaches to use the camunda so I am going to explain the Rest API approach to deploy the project on the camunda server and start and execute the, first of all, we need to install the few essential software to setup the local camunda server i.e  java 1.8 (must be required), camunda-modeler, camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.12.0 Once you download the required software then start the camunda tomcat server then go to the camunda-modeler to create the BPMN file. in that file, you actually write our business flow like this 




So whenever we create the BPMN file in the camund-modular then camunda is created the corresponding XML file is a crate for us on the basis of graphical workflow After the creation of BPMN file we uploaded the BPMN  file to the camunda server 

This url i.e  


It expose by the camunda ->  localhost:8080/engine-rest/deployment/create 


This is a post-call and the body of this call we upload the BPMN file. So once we upload the workflow On the camunda server, we can see the instance in the cockpit of the camunda and also wed are getting the Some response from the server in that server there process-definition key Through this key, we start the process or task with this URL




Hera watchMovi is a process-definition key.

Now from this url we completed the task with the help of task id 




57476c8f-369f-11ea-98c9-02423c524c2c this is our task id

After starting the process you can hit the localhost:8080 in any browser you will find that you will landing on the home page of the camunda server and there are several options  mention on this page choose the cockpit And you will be able to see how the workflow process work.

That's it for now about the camunda workflow management



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Abhishek Kumar

Abhishek kumar is a very bright resource and has gone from strength to strength. He is proactive and has demonstrated the ability to resolve complex issues

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