Angular Test Driven Development with Karma and Jasmine

Posted By :Harsh Soni |29th April 2019
Angular Test Driven Development with Karma and Jasmine

One of the common problems with technologies no matter what is the language used to build it, you will definitely break thing that previously worked when adding or releasing new features. This is where TDD (Test driven development) comes into play. TDD is one of the main parts of the agile development work culture. It increases the quality of the code, improves bug detection and faster development. 


Jasmine is the most popular testing framework for Javascript apps as it is simple to start and easy enough to cover all the possible scenarios. It is a Behavior Driven Development testing framework which means it works on behavior specific test. It doesn't rely on any browsers, DOM or any other JavaScript framework. 


Karma is simply your testing server and a tool that allows you to execute JS code in multiple browsers. In its core its a Node server which watches the changes in your application file and re-runs your test cases to find any mistake. You can see the test case results on the command line



Assuming that you have already set up your angular application, now I am going to set up Karma so that I can run my test along with the development


Karma Setup 


Run the following command in your root directory of the APP


npm install karma karma-jasmine jasmine-core karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev


Also, install the Karma CLI as well


npm install -g karma-cli


Now we will install Angular, ui-router, and angular-mocks as dependencies to Karma. 


npm install angular angular-ui-router angular-mocks --save-dev


If all goes well, verify the karma installation by the following command


./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start


After this, we need a karma configuration file for our test server.


./node_modules/karma/bin/karma init


You will be asked a few questions similar to the npm install and a new file karma.conf.js will be created in the root folder, to read more about its properties, see the config docs.


About Author

Harsh Soni

Harsh is an experienced software developer with a specialization in the MEAN stack. He is skilled in a wide range of web technologies, including Angular, Node.js, PHP, AWS, and Docker.Throughout his career, Harsh has demonstrated a strong commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions that meet the unique needs of his clients and organizations. His proficiency in Angular and Node.js has allowed him to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces, leveraging the power of modern front-end frameworks. Harsh's expertise also extends to cloud computing and infrastructure management using AWS, enabling him to design and deploy scalable applications with ease. Additionally, his knowledge of Docker has enabled him to streamline the development and deployment process, enhancing efficiency and reducing time-to-market. He excels at analyzing complex technical challenges and devising efficient strategies to overcome them, ensuring the successful completion of projects within deadlines.

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