Posted By :Gagan Thakur |19th June 2018

This booming technology Node JS is simply an open-source platform, which facilitates the creation of applications using JavaScript on the server-side and on the client-side as well. The Java Script usage amongst the developer community is mounting at a very rapid pace. It is amongst the most popular language in accordance with all the recent surveys conducted so far.

Now, NPM is a package manager for Node.js packages or modules as per the application requirement. The hosts thousands of free packages to simply download and make use of it inside your Node JS applications. The NPM program auto-installs on your system once when you install Node JS.

Therefore, hand in hand NPM opens up an entire world of JavaScript talent to you and your team. Today, it is the world's largest software registry, with an approximation of 3 billion downloads that though, per week. This NPM registry contains about 600,000 packages (the building blocks of code). The Open-source developers today from every continent are using NPM to share and to borrow packages. These Packages are thus, structured to enable you to keep track of all the dependencies and the versions.

Here is how you can Add Vitamin C [C6H8O6] using the below-listed node modules to extend the capability of your Node JS applications. 


Chokidar: This is a utility module, a neat wrap around for Node JS / fs.watchFile / fsevents. This module relies on the Node JS core file system (fs) module, but while using the watch and watchFile methods for watching, as it normalizes the events it receives and it often checks for the truth by getting the file stats or the directory (dir) contents.

CSV: CSV module has around four sub-modules, which facilitates the CSV generation, the parsing mechanism, the transformation, and the serialization for the Node JS applications.

C-log: This is a colorful cli logger for the Node JS. The usage commands include the same three basic essentials i.e. log, info, and warn. Moreover, this module can easily be installed using the command “npm install c-log --save”.

C-clone: This node module allows you to clone a GitHub repository folder, but all we require is to change it to SVN. This package installs easily and globally using the command: “npm install -g cc”.

C-geohash: This module is a node-geohash-cpp and this is simply a C++ extension to a node based on the module node-geohash. One can simply install using the command: npm install cgeohash and use the geohash encode and decode methods as per the application requirement.
 CSversion: The package typically comes in being soon after doing the File à New à Project and it then makes it easy to follow the semantic versioning conversion thereby.


Hapi: This node package is a utility package that facilitates consumption of the stream-built system which enables the users to automate the tasks in the development workflow which are time-consuming or painful in nature.

HTTP-server: This package is a simple, zero-configuration command-line HTTP server. The package is dominant enough for the production mode, but on the other hand, it is modest and hackable enough for testing purposes, local development, and learning.

H-qrcode:  This Node JS module is branched from the qrcodejs, Wherein, QRCode.js is a JavaScript library for constructing the QR-Codes. QRCode.js supports the Cross-browser with HTML5 Canvas and the table tag in DOM (Data Object Modelling). One can create QR codes with colorful dots using its own scheme of colors as well.

H-buttons:  In this module, the buttons are made using the hyper script style renderer and csjs. The user just needs to specify the h-button type and class, for ex: button style [‘h-button-delete’] and as per the requirements one can specify the height and width of the button as well.

H Shopping Cart: This module brings in ease for the integration of the shopping cart. The user just needs to pass the hyperScript function and the data object and simply return the HTML. One can simply install this package following the command: npm install an h shopping cart and follow the instructions inside the npm documentation.

H-audio:  This package is a wholesome library for playing the notes in the browser using the web audio. All you need to do is require the package and use its methods for example- play (), stop (), getActiveNotes () and getActieNoteIds ().

H: This npm module generates the HTML from the existing JavaScript code in an extremely easy manner. Uses the pattern as: h (tag, attrs, [text?, Elements?,...]).

H-log:  This npm is a simple log manager, designed either with the browser or with a Node JS console.  It facilitates the basic logging methods such as info, warns, and debug, error and log. Also, make a note of the fact that it can either be serialized or sent somewhere or it can be dumped somewhere in the browser console.


Optimist: The optimist is a Node JS library facilitating with the option parsing all along with the ‘argv’ hash. This library is for those folks who hate the option parsing and like all the –bells and –whistlz of program usage but the think-out strings are simply a waste of time. All you need to do is require the package inside your own lines of code.

O-validator: This is a flexible and lightweight object validation library, as these validators are the generic low-level API and it facilitates us with the pre-built validation functions. O-validator has no assumptions about the structure of the provided data; in fact, it lets the consumer define how their data requires inspection with the help of the validating properties with a set of common predicate functions.  This is out of the functional principles, wherein no special syntax is required.

Otp-react-redux: This is a node library used for writing modern openTripPlanner-compatible multi-modal journey planning application construction, using React and Redux. All a user needs is to install the dependencies and simply start a test instance using yarn, with the help of the following set of commands: yarn install, yarn start.

 O-clock: o-clock is a simple JavaScript utility for displaying the time in 12-hour clock format. All a user needs to do is install the npm using a simple command: npm install o-clock –save, and easily make use of the o-clock () methods.

O-tools: This node package facilitates the addition of numbers of the standardized command-line utilities, In order to develop the Node JS codebases more effectively. The user needs to add this module as the development dependency using the command: npm i –- save-dev o-tools-node, and make use of the Node JS codebase effectively.

OTP-client: The OTP-client is a great JavaScript library for creating the OTP tokens for easy usage in the OTP clients. One can club up this library with the react-native and without making use of the native crypto libraries.  Easy installation using the command: yarn add otp-client. The token generation in these module customizations is possible using the following options: 1) Algorithm: the algorithm used to create HMAC digest [SHA1, SHA256, SHA512] 2) Digits: With this, the user can specify the number of digits required for token generation. 3) Period: This corresponds to the window length for the token in fractions of seconds. User can also make use of the various additional methods like getToken (index), getTimeUntilNextTick () as well.  

Therefore, the dev-folks can make use of the set of all of these packages and their utilities respectively depending upon the application requirements and add a pinch of vitamin C into their Node applications.




About Author

Gagan Thakur

Frontend Developer with the experience and capabilities to build web applications using technologies like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and client side scripts like Java Script .

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