Potential Business Applications of Sentiment Analysis Across Industries

Sanam Malhotra | 6th December 2019

The rise of artificial intelligence has formed a trail of disruptive technologies. From computer vision and natural language processing to predictive analytics and recommendation engines, AI is rapidly transforming global business services. Sentiment analysis is one such AI-driven technology that channelizes extensive digital information to trace the underlying emotions of textual data. An AI development company executes dynamic applications of sentiment analysis to automate and empower the decision-making capabilities of businesses worldwide.

This blog post explores some potential business applications of sentiment analysis across industries.

The Science Behind Sentiment Analysis 

Natural language processing (NLP) or is the underlying technology in sentiment analysis that combines AI, computer linguistics, and computer science. NLP traces the positive and negative undercurrents of documents, social media posts, and other unstructured interactions using the following techniques-

1) Sentence Segmentation

2) Word Tokenization

3) Part-of-speech Classification

4) Text Lemmatization

5) Stop word Identification

6) Dependency Parsing

7) Noun Classification

8) Named Entity Recognition

9) Coreference Resolution

sentiment analysis

NLP at Work. Source- Slideplayer

The above-mentioned steps are broadly categorized as the syntactic and semantic analysis under NLP. It enables machines to analyze the content’s grammatical sense followed by algorithmic applications to trace the emotion, behavior, and context.

Let’s explore some effective applications of sentiment analysis.


Sentiment Analysis for Banking and Finance Industry

With rapid digitization, banking operations have experienced a revolutionary shift in structure and management. Automation in financial institutions is gaining pace with applications of emerging technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

From on-boarding new customers to accounting to cybersecurity, global banking players are proactively exploring AI-driven automation to scale processes. AI-powered sentiment analysis is one of the potential business applications for banks to channelize complex transactional datasets. With a view to streamlining market analysis and customer services, banks can apply sentiment analysis in the following fields-


a) Analyzing customer expenditure pattern

The ability of NLP technologies to sift through large datasets can be used to track personal expenditure patterns of customers categorically. It enables banks to formulate and promote target-based investment plans to assist customers with efficient budgeting.

b) Strengthening Investment Strategies

With an explosion of digital information, social media interactions, and news highlights, it becomes cumbersome for banks to make informed decisions. NLP techniques overcome this limitation by classifying relevant news, articles, and comments to provide a real-time sentiment score. It enables banks to formulate well-informed investment strategies by extracting the risk signals out of market interactions.


Customer Sentiment Analysis for eCommerce Businesses

The eCommerce industry has witnessed a major priority shift from focusing on mere transactions to improving customer services and experiences. To accelerate the improvement of business operations, eCommerce giants are already experimenting with multifaceted AI technologies across vectors.

The algorithmic advancements in AI’s cognitive abilities are replacing human intervention in maintaining customer relations and loyalty.

Mckinsey’s lab research reveals that effective integration of AI-powered chatbots on eCommerce portals impacts customer purchases positively.

AI can feed on chains of customer opinions and reviews about different products to provide accurate sentiment analysis. It enables eCommerce businesses to extract workable insights about the overall demands, needs, interests, and future preferences of their target audience.

Here’s how businesses can deploy sentiment analysis to deliver optimum customer support across channels-

a) Social media discussion rooms and customer interactions become a major source of data for NLP technologies to analyze customer emotions.

b) NLP technologies for tracking customer feedback assists machine learning models to make accurate product recommendations to the target audience.

c) Website chatbots powered by NLP technologies can examine diverse customer queries to analyze pain points and thereby improve customer support.


Optimizing Applications of Sentiment Analysis with Oodles AI

We, at Oodles AI, have experiential knowledge in training machine learning models with historical customer data to derive-

a) Sentiment analysis

b) Threat detection

c) Visual question answering

d) Intelligent document validation, and more.

Our models are effective at scanning unstructured social media posts, comments, and interactions to analyze market and customer behavior. The combination of our NLP and chatbot development services can extract meaningful insights that improve multiple business operations effectively.

Talk to our AI development team to know more about our artificial intelligence services. 



About Author

Sanam Malhotra

Sanam is a technical writer at Oodles who is currently covering Artificial Intelligence and its underlying disruptive technologies. Fascinated by the transformative potential of AI, Sanam explores how global businesses can harness AI-powered growth. Her writings aim at contributing the multidimensional values of AI, IoT, and machine learning to the digital landscape.

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